Expert Drainage Solutions for Homeowners
in The Woodlands, Texas

When homeowners in The Woodlands, Texas need reliable drainage solutions for their outdoor spaces, they turn to the experts at our landscaping company.

Recently, we had the pleasure of helping a homeowner create an efficient and attractive drainage solution that was both functional and aesthetically pleasing. We started by clearing away any existing vegetation and leveling certain areas of the yard in preparation for building the retaining wall. River rocks were then added to form a natural-looking wall that would help prevent damage caused by flooding.

Alongside this structure, we also installed a garden with lush greenery that was framed perfectly by the river rocks and retaining wall. For extra comfort and aesthetic appeal, mulch was added throughout the entire area as well as decorative stones in front of nearby air conditioning units.

Now, this homeowner’s property looks like something out of a fairytale! The combination of efficient drainage methods and beautiful landscaping have resulted in plenty of compliments from neighbors – needless to say, our client is thrilled! With little effort, the right design team can take any outdoor space from blah to beautiful!